Friday, June 28, 2013

Breakfast Club

Dear Freeville Families
Freeville School is eligible to participate in the Fonterra & Sanitarium Kickstart Breakfast Club programme, that the government is supporting.
This programme can provide free Weetbix and fresh milk to schools for breakfast, up to 5 days per week.  (This is separate from the Milk in Schools programme that the school currently runs.)
The School would like the ability to provide breakfast to students as & when the need arises. 
If your family would benefit from The Breakfast Club, could you please let the office know approximately how many children & days per week, so we can work out the need for our school.
We need some friendly volunteers to help run the breakfast club.  The more volunteers we have, the better.  If you or someone in your family or neighbourhood can help (even just 1 morning per year,) that would be fantastic.  If you would like to do more mornings, or team up with a friend, then go for it!  We will organise a roster. You are welcome to bring your own children along with you, and they can enjoy breakfast too.
You will need to be at school from 8:30 - 9am. 
Get bowls, spoons, weetbix & milk out, ready for the students.  
Fill the sink with hot soapy water. 
The students will wash & dry their own bowls & spoons when they have finished.
Wipe down the tables and put things away at 9am.
Let the office know if we are running low on any stock.  Thats it!
If anyone has spare breakfast bowls or spoons at home that they no longer need, we would greatly appreciate any donations.
If anyone has good contacts or great ideas that could benefit The Breakfast Club, please let us know too.  Maybe you know someone who could get a deal on bowls/plates/utensils? tinned fruit & bananas? or bread, bacon & eggs?   Whatever cool ideas you have, we would really love to hear them.
Thank you for your support.  We really appreciate it.
Team Freeville  :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

An easy way to help us rasie $$$

Here is an easy way that you can help our school raise some money.  Its an online Trivia Quiz.
No need to give out your details or register.
And save it to your favourites, so you can do it daily  :)
Click on the green button 1 ... and nominate Freeville School.
Then click to start the quiz - There are 20 Trivia questions each day that only take a few minutes to complete.  Even if you get the answers wrong, our school still earns money (2c per question).  And you even get to learn some cool stuff too, as it gives you the answers & some interesting facts with each Q.
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone else who you think might enjoy the quiz and like to support Freeville School.

Road Closure

The intersection of Sandy Ave and Bower Ave is now closed. Thank you for your patience and care as you pick up and drop off children. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Award Winning Animation

Congratulations to Isaac from LT4. Isaac entered the 48 hour film competition and his entry won first place in his section.

Click on this link to see the movie